Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Freedom to be Thankful

I thought that in honor of Veteran's Day, I would list some of the freedoms I am thankful for. I would encourage you to add your own in the comment section. Here are just a few of the freedoms I am thankful for this Veteran's Day 2009.

The freedom to worship Christ my Lord without fear of persecution.

The freedom to have as many or as few children as I am able.

The freedom to write about things that are on my mind and the freedom of the press to report the truth.

The freedom to live in the town, city and state of my choosing, and the opportunity to buy a home of my choosing.

The freedom to choose whether to send my children to public or private schools, and the freedom in the public schools to receive a top-notch education without a political agenda being shoved down their throats.

The freedom to say the Pledge of Allegiance in that public school and the opportunity to include, "One Nation, Under God."

The freedom to choose what I want to do for a living and the opportunity to receive a higher education so I can follow my dreams.

The freedom to talk to my friends and family whenever I want because our technology is not limited by the government.

The freedom to have too many choices in just about every area of my life.

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