Thursday, November 17, 2011

Am I really all that thankful?

I have been resisting the game so many of my friends are playing on Facebook of listing things I am thankful for during Thanksgiving. This is normally something I would do, and, last year I think I was one of the first of my friends to play this game.

Don't get me wrong, I am thankful. But I didn't want to be redundant and list all the typical things. I was thinking of doing it but being thankful for obscure things.

But recently, my little family has been going through a hard time. Luckily, we are solid and strong, but it has been enough to shake things up quite a bit.

Today, one of my best friends sent me a devotional about how we have to be thankful for things in the midst of the worst of situations. The devotional said,

"I find this truth about the power of thanksgiving over and over in Scripture. What was the prayer Daniel prayed right before being thrown in the lion’s den and witnessing God miraculously shutting the lion’s mouths? Thanksgiving.

After three days in the belly of a fish, what was the cry of Jonah’s heart right before he was finally delivered onto dry land? Thanksgiving.

How are we instructed to pray in Philippians 4:6 when we feel anxious? With thanksgiving.

And what is the outcome of each of these situations where thanksgiving is proclaimed? Peace.

Powerful, unexplainable, uncontainable peace.

“And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:7, NIV).

One of Webster’s official definitions of thanksgiving is: “a public acknowledgment or celebration of divine goodness.”

So I decided that in the midst of the adversity I am experiencing, I will be thankful. So here are some things I am truly thankful for today:

The most amazing, resilient, funny, smart, handsome, awesome sons that God ever created. They make my world brighter every moment of the day.

A loving, hard working, generous, protective, providing husband who would do anything for me and his boys.

Prayerful and encouraging friends who not only pick me up when I stumble but hold me accountable when I am not living up to my end of the bargain, especially concerning my relationship with God.

Wonderful parents who have gone, will go and are going to great lengths to help me and my family however they can.

The ability to advocate for not only my family, but all the kids I in which I come into contact.

Amazing coworkers who help me every day and who love kids and do what's best for them.

Courage to do what is right even when it is the hardest thing to do.

Kids in my life who show me love and affection and make me feel important in their worlds.

Findlay, the dog I am convinced God sent me last week. She is the exact dog I always hoped I would have someday. I am once again astounded that God answers specific prayers in miraculous ways.

A social service community that helps people. Really helps people, in specific ways.

Most of all, I am thankful for my personal Jesus, who knows me, loves me in spite of myself, and works all things or the good of those who love Him. Even little old me.

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