Sunday, October 4, 2009

Random Thoughts

I feel like writing this morning but I am not especially inspired by any one topic. So here are my random thoughts in no particular order.

* I got to sleep WAY in this morning. and I when I say that I mean that it is about 10:15 a.m. now and I have been up for 20 minutes. On the cool rainy Sunday morning (when I know I should be going to church) there was nothing more relaxing than lying there and listening to the rain.

* Speaking of rain, my son is supposed to play his flag football game today. I checked the Optimist Web site and they are saying the games are on. Hmmm. Maybe the sleeping in will be counter balanced by getting soaking wet at his game. I wouldn't miss it, though!

* When I got up a few minutes ago, I discovered my boys sitting side by side on the couch playing at WWII flying game on the Wii. They are saying things like, "Alert, alert! Incoming! Enemy approaching!" They are enthralled in this air combat game and working together as a team. I am strangely proud.

* I have little to say about last night's football game other than this: I think we are cursed. Three of our best players fall one by one. It is like a serial killer mystery or something. So the big question in my mind is, who is knocking off our players? The only logical thought is Texas, who really doesn't want to put an asterisk by their Big 12 championship painted in their locker room this year. I am NOT saying we are destined to lose to Texas. We can beat them any time we play them and vice versa. I am saying that they have motive. I think we should call the FBI.

* I have obviously been watching too many episodes of my new favorite late night show "Criminal Minds" as seen in the item posted above.

* I was absolutely giddy when watching the return of "Medium" to primetime television. I think this may be the first time in the last decade I have watched something on CBS. The girl who plays the oldest daughter is just really talented.

* Some of my closest friends went camping this weekend in the Wichitas. They invited me but I don't camp. I was sad they were going t0 be having fun without me until I remembered I don't think there is anything fun about camping. No temperature control, no indoor plumbing, no beds, bugs, wild animals, bad sleep, lack of refrigeration.... yeah, not my thing at all. I love them though. And I love that my boys will be able to decide for themselves if they love camping (thanks Jason and Leslie!).

* Last night I was dreaming about my Best Dog Ever Casey, who will be 11 in February. I was dreaming that he was sick and was needing to be put down. I was absolutely hysterical in my dream and actually woke up in the middle of the night panicked and crying. I love this dog so much. I can't imagine life without him. Live long and prosper, Casey!

* My academic goal today is to make a list of deadlines for the rest of the semester and to get ahead. The first half feels over at this point and now I can focus on my other papers and presentations. I am really loving school. Go figure.

* My final thought for the day is on swine flu. There are 20 kids in Will's pre-k class and six of them have missed several days because they were so sick with presumably the swine flu. I know several people who have it or who had it. I am praying for health protection and washing my hands until they are nubby. Die swine flu, die!!!!!!!!

I hope you have a great Sunday!

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