Sunday, May 24, 2009

Outtakes, Sunday, May 24, 2009

I have been working on the Mother of All Garage Sales. This requires cleaning, table set up, organizing, hauling loads of stuff, etc. Basically all things sweaty.

I love the MOAG because I make lotsa money off of it. But the work leading up and during it is back breaking. For the record, our MOAG will be this upcoming Thursday, Friday and Saturday. We will have about a dozen families, including one entire estate. You should come and check it out.

Today I realized I couldn't find my professional signs that I had made a while back for my MOAGS. Which means they are probably in my attic. Which means I probably have to disassemble part of my set up to get in the attic and retrieve said signs. Oh, well. At least it is Sunday and not Wednesday when I am realizing this.


Because I have been in the middle of sweaty work, I have opted to shower in the evenings the last couple of days. This goes against everything that I know. I shower at least once a day every day and sometimes twice. And I shave my legs every day. I have this weird cleanliness thing ...

Anyway, today I stopped by my parents because I had to get some garage sale items and my mom asked me to run to Wal-Mart for her. Wal-Mart on a Sunday with no make up, hairy legs, sweaty hair everywhere and dressed poorly? And the kicker is that it is in Norman. Meaning I will ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY run into someone I know.

Fortunately this year I stopped caring so much about my appearance, so I said I would go, but I made Ryan go with me for distraction purposes. (In other words, so he could distract anyone I ran into with his cuteness ...)

So we go and we had to get dog food (for my dogs) and paint (for my mom). I decided to sneak in the garden center entrance, thereby minimizing the chances of running into someone I know looking and smelling the way I did.

We were almost finished. In fact I was standing at the garden center register about to check out. And then I saw her. My friend ReRe. Fortunately, ReRe is awesome and I could look at her and say, "This is my worst fear, running into someone I know looking and smelling the way I do." I laughed with her about it and she related a story to me about a time she went in Wal-Mart feeling ... not quite put together. I will leave it at that, ReRe.

Norman is the biggest small town I know.

We just had a fabulous dinner at Outback Steakhouse. For free. Well not really for free. Brad did something nice for someone a while back and they blessed our family with a large gift card to Outback. This was he second meal our family of four shared there.

I told Brad that I hope we are financially able someday to bless some family like ours to a really delicious meal at a restaurant they could normally not afford to go to. It was awesome.


I've been noticing things about my kids lately that make them distinct. Silly little things. For example, I can always tell their cups apart when there is a straw in them because Will chews on his straw. Also, Ryan is much more likely to meltdown when he is hungry. And sometimes he is hungry and doesn't even realize it so I feed him and it works.

I also have noticed that Will is willing to try new foods. He unsuccessfully tried a cherry tomato tonight. That kids loves every kind of fruit possible, but he does not like the potato. You heard it right, he doesn't like potatoes. Not mashed, not bake, not fried, not scalloped, not au grautin and he barely liked french fries. He always chooses a fruit option at a fast food place instead of fries.

And Ryan is a complete perfectionist. My mom, who is also a perfectionist, was doing a project in the garage and actually had to hurry Ryan along he was going so slowly so he would get it right. I am not sure that has ever happened before.


I'm thinking today about my Grandpa John (who died in September 2008) and Brad's Papaw Glenn who lives in OKC. They both served our country during WWII. Papaw was a Marine who earned a Purple Heart. Grandpa was in the Navy and it was his job to move explosives on and off ships.

If it weren't for men like them, I wouldn't have the freedom to write this very blog. Thanks to them and to each of you who fought, are fighting and will fight for this country and everything she stands for.

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