Thursday, May 21, 2009

Outtakes: Thursday, May 21, 2009

So this will be the first of many "Outtakes," or short snippets of randomness happening in my world.


Why is it that the closer to summer it gets that my kids get up that much earlier? Yesterday, Ryan woke up bright eyed and busy tailed at 6:12 a.m. I'm not sure if this has ever happened to you, but he was hovering over me for who knows how long before he whispered, "Momma..." I nearly jumped out of bed and swallowed my tongue it scared me so much.

And today, Will woke up at 6:08 a.m. He snuggled in bed with me and did one of his favorite things: he had me lay my head on his chest. I listened to his breathing and his heart beat and thanked God for him.


For those of you who don't know, we have a new puppy. Lucy is a puggle: a intentional blend of pug and beagle. I got her off Craigslist about a month ago. She is a sweet dog and is doing well with her training. She is about 7 months old and loves the boys. She's the type of dog who loves to snuggle with you all the time, and that is just the kind of dog I wanted!

So we decided that she could sleep in the boys' room at night. As you can imagine, there was an immediate struggle to have Lucy sleep in each boys' bed. She prefers Ryan, the calmer of the two. Will is a little, well, intense. Will is the perfect playmate for Lucy but not so much the perfect sleepmate. So there has been weeping and gnashing of teeth over this.

Last night, I waited until I thought the boys were asleep and waited until Lucy was very sleepy and in my lap and then I took her in and laid her down in Will's bed. Will was barely awake and remarkable still. I encouraged him to lay as still as possible. Apparently, it worked, because when Will - and Lucy - bounded into my bed at 6:08 this morning Will reported that Lucy stayed in his bed all night. When I reported this to Ryan, he said, "I know. Will woke me up at 3:30 a.m. to tell me." Sometimes it's the little things in life that mean the most.


So I was watching this show last night on TLC called, "I Shouldn't Be Alive." I know, uplifting, right? Well, there was nothing else on. Anyway, this episode was about these Boy Scouts who went hiking and ran out of water and all nearly died. In fact one of them did die, a 15-year-old boy. It was so sad. Brad and I were watching the end of it with the boys, and they are very concerned. When the show talked about the boy who died, my sweet 4-and-a-half-and-three-quarters-son Will asks quietly, "Did that boy know God?" Will has somehow figured out that knowing God is all that really matters in the end. I cried about this, of course.


I made the serious mistake this morning of stepping on the scale. I knew I had gained some weight since going through a trying time the last 6 weeks. Unfortunately, I was right. I have gained about 10 pounds. ARRRGGGHHHHH!!!!!! I hate feeling like this, overweight, sluggish and gross.

I know a few things I need to do and I am sharing them with you so you can ask me about it later and hold me somewhat accountable.

1. Cut down on naps for me. I think my favorite past time is napping. Unfortunately this is not so good for burning calories.

2. Cut down on Chewy Chocolate Dipped Granola Bars. I buy eight boxes every time I go to the store, which is about once a week. Now Brad and the boys love them, too, and eat them. And there are worse things they could be eating for a snack. However, I eat most of them and even resort to hiding a couple so I always get this last two. The first step is admitting I have a problem, right?

3. Choose a form of exercise. I hate exercise. Hate it, hate it, hate it.

4. Cook more and eat out less. This should help my budget, too.

5. Step on the scale every day. Even though it will hurt, it is a rockin' motivator.

What steps do you take to lose weight or keep off the weight? I am open to suggestions.

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