Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Who am I these days?

These days it seems like my identity is awash in other people's identities. For example, I am Ryan and Will's Mom. I am Brad's wife. I am Jackie's Best Friend. I am Fred and Anita's daughter. I am the dinner cooker, the chore doer, the errand runner, the clothes washer, the make-it-happener.
I used to have a career that I was proud of. And it isn't that I don't do anything work related, it's just that this identity shift isn't something I really planned for.
But here's the thing; I wouldn't change one single thing about my life. I wouldn't change the good, the bad or the in between. I wouldn't change the constant running from here to there, because I am doing it with my family and for my family. I am answering a call God has on my life. And I may not be very good at it some days, but that's ok. I am happy to try it, even if I fail. Because that's what us moms do.

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